He was appointed to the Board of Trustees in March 2023 as a member elected trustee. He is a member of the Investment & Strategy Committee and a member of the Audit & Risk Management Committee.
He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration, Diploma in Public Administration from Kampala International University. Further he has Craft Certificate in Motor Vehicle Electrician; Institute of Energy Studies and Research (formerly KPLC Training School)
He is a well-seasoned leader with diverse skills. Abdi currently hold various positions which includes Executive Board Member, Central Organization of Trade Unions- Kenya (COTU- K), National Assistant General Secretary & Branch Secretary Mt. Kenya East, Kenya Electrical Trades and Allied Workers' Union (KETAWU). He has served in (KETAWU) Office in other various capacities. He is a member of the Kenya Institute of Management.
He is the Senior Assistant Foreman at Kamburu Transport Workshop. He has served the sponsor for over 35 years.